It's been quite a while, but I should have a few new posts up over the next week or so. One of the reasons I was able to post so frequently at first was that my coworkers at the time (big ups to Jebs, Hurley-Bird and Dredle) got some sick enjoyment out of watching me try to eat things I didn't like. Now that my NEW coworkers are aware of this, don't be surprised to see a few more posts here and there. Back to the case at hand... Rita manages the Twitter account for the magazine and we've been keeping an eye on the growing Followers list. It was decided that when we hit the 200 mark we would celebrate - and nothing says celebration in MarComm like freshly baked tasty treats. Rita is known for the high levels of deliciousness reached with her chocolate chip cookies but when the topic of the celebration came up yesterday someone threw out the idea of having blueberry muffins. I mentioned that I don't eat blueberries (or any berries for that matter) so Rita went above and beyond and made a batch of BOTH... baking at home last night even with a broken air conditioner. With that kind of dedication, there was no way I couldn't try out the muffins... after eating about 7 cookies of course. Let's see how it went...
What I Like:Muffin batter and sugar sprinkles.What I Don't Like:Berries of any color, but in this case... blue.Who Made Me Try It:Rita brought them in as a healthier alternative to her phenomenal chocolate chip cookies (of which I usually eat way too many).The Results:The muffin itself was incredible... probably one of the softest and tastiest muffins I have had in years. The flavor of the blueberry that seeped into surrounding muffin parts was great as well. But there were honest-to-God whole blueberries and I've found that I am still not really a big fan of the whole berry-eating experience. I picked around the berries themselves after trying a couple and ate the rest of the muffin, so I think we'll call this one a draw.